How we are contributing to the community through growth and promotion of local products
The Curtains we are using are locally made, which you can also avail to buy. By doing so, you will be contributing in preserving and further help developing this rich old tradition running from generations in the families, the skills which otherwise, might be lost in time.
The locks we are using for our doors are made by local blacksmith.
The sandals produced from nettle, are made by Paila (Nepali word, meaning footsteps).
We only buy organic vegetables grown by local farmers, the reason why our menu might appear very limited, though can never be substituted for any price in the world for its health, taste and benevolence.
Every now and then we interact with locals to give information and bring awareness on issues of environment that we hope can bring about even a little bit of a difference!
20 percent of the entry fee that is charged (For those who are not staying with us) is contributed to the village council.